Lunchtime Recitals

Our weekly Friday lunchtime recital programme is once again live! We are performing our weekly recital programme without an audience but will release each video on YouTube below.

Follow the link to listen to last term's lockdown series!

Guitar Lunchtime Recital

Informal recital performances recorded at home by some of our guitar pupils.

Look out for some more performances to follow shortly!

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Year 9 - Lunchtime Recital

Lunchtime performances given by some of our year 9 Musicians.

Look out for some more performances to follow shortly!

Lunchtime Live!

A lunchtime recital given by PGS Music Scholars in year 9-11 on 15 October in Portsmouth Cathedral

This was our first performance to a live audience in 7 months and it was fantastic to be able to share this with our local community. Performance for violin, cello, harp, organ and piano.

Year 10 - Lunchtime Recital

Friday 2 October - 2020

Year 10 GCSE Musicians' Recital

Lunchtime Recital Friday 25 September 2020

Performances by pianists in years 8-13.

Music by Queen, King Oliver, Camidge, Ibert and Chopin.

Lunchtime Recital Friday 11 September 2020

Our lunchtime recital series recommenced on Friday in the Rotunda, and whilst we are not playing to a live audience yet we are video-ing all our concerts for streaming on YouTube.

Our Year 13 musicians opened the series with beautiful performances on the voice, trombone, flute and euphonium. We are also excited to introduce you all to our new model A Steinway in the Rotunda.