Organ Experience Day

We planned our first PGS Organ Experience Day on May 4th this term. Coronavirus has meant that we were not able to run our day as planned, however we are excited to be able to share with you our Virtual Organ Experience Day.

Curated and created by our School Organist, Mr Gunga, we have produced a series of short videos to introduce you to the basic functions of the organ. Aimed at Grade 5+ pianists we are keen to encourage anyone interested to explore these videos and to contact Mr Gunga if you would be interested in actually trying out the organ when we are back in school.

Please explore the videos below (each is about 2 minutes long) - play them in order and learn about how the organ works, how the sound is produced, what everything does on the organ to produce its characteristic sound. There is even a virtual tour of the organ at Portsmouth Cathedral given by our Cathedral Organist and Master of the Choristers, Dr Price! Finally there are two YouTube clips from one of the classic English organ builders, Willis, .

If you would like any further information on the organ, organ lessons or take part in our live taster session next academic year please do email

If you would like any further information regarding the Cathedral Music Department, with whom we have very close links, please visit: or email:

A View from Beyond the Loft 1.mp4

Video 1 - an introduction to the organ.

A View from Beyond the Loft 2.mp4

Video 2

A View from Beyond the Loft 3.mp4

Video 3

A View from Beyond the Loft 4.mp4

Video 4

Tour of Portsmouth organ with Dr

A Virtual Tour of the Portsmouth Cathedral Organ with Dr Price

Mechanics of the organ 1

Mechanics of the organ 2