Autumn Term 2022

Christmas Concert - Friday 3 December

Congratulations to our musicians for a fabulous Christmas Concert at Portsmouth Cathedral. Fantastic performances from our orchestras, ensembles and choirs to an appreciative capacity audience.

Gabrieli Roar - Tuesday 29 November

Chamber Choir, Boys' Voices, Girls' Voices and the Choristers had the phenomenal experience of performing with conductor Paul McCreesh and the Gabrieli Consort along with 400 other youngsters from in and around Portsmouth. Spearheaded by PGS Music Department with the Cathedral this amazing education and performance project allowed our young musicians to perform the flamboyant music of early Baroque composers Praetorius and Schutz with a professional choir and period instrument orchestra.

Autumn Concert - Weds 19 October 22

Congratulations to all the performers in the Autumn Concert on 19 October. 

Fabulous music from PGS Orchestras, Brass, Concertband, jazz groups and all Year 7 with Chamber Choir, Community Choir and Jazz Band performing Zimbe!

Autumn Term (1) 2022

PGS Musicians hit the ground running in September.

We were delighted to invite all new pupils at PGS to come and get involved in our busy and exciting Music Department. In the first two weeks Chamber Choir performed in three school services in the Cathedral. They also performed Croft’s Funeral Sentences as heard at the Queen's committal service at the school’s commemoration of our late Queen along with the brass group on Friday 16 September.  

Our choristers also led the town’s civic commemoration of the life of the Queen in a moving service at the cathedral on Sunday 11 September.  The performance included a beautiful performance of Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s Pie Jesu from year 8 chorister, Noah.

Chamber Choir & Brass Group 

Leading whole school commemoration for Queen Elizabeth II

Civic Service of Commemoration for Queen Elizabeth II

Noah, year 8, performing Pie Jesu.

PGS Cathedral Choristers and musicians were involved in a performance of music for choir and orchestra by composer Philip Stopford at Portsmouth Cathedral on Saturday 17 September. Philip Stopford also conducted the event and spent a day in PGS with our GCSE and A level musicians discussing composition and the business side of being a composer. 

Philip Stopford

Working with choristers

Philip Stopford

PGS Pupils playing in the orchestra

Year 7 Massive Music Morning

On Tuesday 13 September Year 7 worked with percussionist Ollie Tunmer from Beat Goes On making music with their bodies and basketballs (!), they also spent a session with Alexander L’Estrange in preparation for our massed performance of Zimbe! in Portsmouth Cathedral on 19 October. Two other sessions exploring wind instruments and music technology rounded off the morning and gave a flavour of the many musical opportunities on offer at PGS. 

Tea Time Recital

We held the first of our tea time recitals on 5 October featuring performances from some of our small ensembles and solo players.  There will be a chance to hear another tea time recital on Wednesday 7 December.

New Music Premiered

On the evening of 5 October Year 11 composer, Koby Craig, was able to hear his composition for string quartet performed in a live concert in London by the fabulous Solem Quartet.  The quartet were premiering new music by young composers and were able to discuss and feedback on each piece live as part of this concert which was also live streamed on YouTube.

Changing Voices Evensong

Our Changing Voices Choir sang a beautiful evensong at Portsmouth Cathedral on Monday 17 October. It was exciting to hear these emerging tenor and bass voices singing music by George Dyson, Martin How, Thomas Tallis and plainsong, and the confidence and richness of these voices was hugely encouraging to hear.

Alexander L'Estrange with Y7 pupils

Changing Voices Evensong

Autumn Term Concert

Just before half term we welcomed an audience of nearly 500 to the Cathedral for our Autumn Concert.  Featuring 230 performers, this concert was a showcase of what our musicians have been able to achieve in the first six rehearsals of the year. The first half consisted of musically assured performances from Sinfonietta, Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Collective, Concert Band and PGS Brass plus the exciting debut of pupil led jazz octet Pupils’ Collective in an energetic and sophisticated performance of In the Mood which received rapturous applause from the appreciative audience.  For the second half we were privileged to welcome composer and conductor, Alexander L’Estrange, to conduct his fun-filled work Zimbe. This joyous celebration of African music featured the whole of year 7 singing with Chamber Choir and Community Choir accompanied by a jazz quintet of pupils.  These infectious songs performed with such energy sent the audience away with a smile and humming. As part of Black History Month this was also an opportunity to raise some money for our link school, Kikaaya College in Uganda, and over £350 was raised in sales of Ugandan bracelets, cakes and donations.  Concert programme, pictures and a highlights video available above!

Lunchtime Live!

Thursday 20 October saw our termly visit to Portsmouth Cathedral to play in the lunchtime live series.  Our music scholars in years 9-13 delighted the enthusiastic audience with music for flute, piano, oboe, voice and cello.  It was wonderful to welcome year 6 from our Junior School to this concert.

National Children’s Orchestra

The National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain runs an amazing programme of workshops, residential courses and concerts throughout the year.  The programme involves over 600 young musicians from 8-14 in its various orchestras. Membership of the orchestra is by annual audition. Many congratulations to double bass player, Noah in year 8 who has been offered one of only 100 places nationally in the main orchestra this year.

Lunchtime Live!

Y8 Double Bass Player, Noah

Autumn Term (2) Concerts and Events:

In the next half term you are warmly welcome to attend any of the following musical events and to view our Autumn Term Calendar here: Autumn Term Calendar22 

29 November (1900) - In dulci Jubilo - Praetorius & Schutz Christmas Music - PGS pupils with the Gabrieli Consort and Paul McCreesh - Portsmouth Cathedral.  This exciting concert is the culmination of our partnership with the Gabrieli Consort, Portsmouth Cathedral Choir and local secondary schools in Portsmouth.  Tickets available here: 

1 December (1830) - Rock the Halls Christmas Showcase - DRT. Portsmouth Music Hub Rock Musicians and PGS Rock Musicians celebrate Christmas! Join us here: 

2 December (1900) - PGS Christmas Concert - Portsmouth Cathedral. Come and join our school and local community in a traditional celebration of Christmas featuring choral and orchestral Christmas favourites. PGS Musicians perform along with Portsmouth Cathedral Choir and audience participation! 

7 December (1730) - Informal Tea Time Concert, Rotunda. A chance to hear solo and ensemble performers over a cup of tea!