Summer Term 2022 Highlights

Summer Term 2022 - Music News (1)

The first half of the Summer Term has seen our musicians back with a vengeance performing in 11 performances and workshops, starting in the second week of term with a joint Evensong for Chamber Choir in Portsmouth Cathedral with the Cathedral Girls’ Choir. Our boy and girl choristers took part in our partnership collaboration with Cathedral Sing! on the Isle of Wight, working with over 100 primary schools developing their singing skills and performing in a concert with them.

Some of our year 10 musicians, reacting to the crisis in the Ukraine, organised a wonderful concert on 9 May of solo and duet performances raising £400 to support the work of the International Red Cross in the Ukraine; thank you to Liberty for driving this initiative. A week later our musical theatre students treated us to a fabulous evening of solos and ensembles from the West End. It was great to have a full house in the Rotunda for this.

Music Week in the Junior School at the start of May is always hugely enjoyable. We were delighted to be able to support this with a large number of our senior musicians performing to the Juniors as soloists and ensembles and talking with them about their music and their instruments. There were solos performances by cellists and singers and ensemble performances by the Percussion Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Choir, Concert Band and Brass Sextet

On 24 May we were delighted to host the Cathedral Organists’ Association for a session on boys’ changing voices as part of their conference held at Portsmouth Cathedral. Our newly formed Changing Voices group is designed as an ensemble that the boys at PGS can join when their voices start to change from treble pitch. The Music Department led a workshop looking at how to manage this transition within a cathedral choir and a school setting with demonstrations and performance from 7 of our pupils. The boys were also able to talk about how they felt about their voice changing and how their choir directors and music teachers could best support them during this potentially unsettling time.

Our Music Scholars have been working on improvisation methods this half term and learning how to improvise in a jazz style, over a figured bass, in a contemporary style and over a Ground Bass. Our Friday morning sessions have been great fun and here are a couple of clips of what we were doing!


The first half term finished with our middle school musicians working with the drama department in a wonderful production of Matilda. Congratulations to our pupils in years 7 and 8 for really strong solo and ensemble singing and to the two pupils from year 7 and year 9 who played bass and guitar in the band.